Friday, 11 April 2008

Ill Fri:Fail

Some of us just ain't made for some things, but it's the trying that counts.


Majane said...


Teresa said...

I really like it! Good job!

Anonymous said...

aw, poor mr. zombie!

a : )

Robert said...

Good on you my son

Anne said...

Quite funny.

studio lolo said...

For some reason this reminds me of a really funny cartoon by a paraplegic guy named Callahan. Anyway, because Callahan is "disabled" he feels like any other disabled person is fair game. So in this cartoon there's just a head on a skateboard and on another skateboard is just a head with an eye patch. The head without the patch looks at the head WITH the patch and says "It's guys like you that are an inspiration to guys like me."
Years later, I'm still peeing my pants.